Individual Beauty:
Curating a Personal Beauty Aesthetic
Effortlessly enhancing your natural beauty is something that is accessible to every individual. For some it comes very intuitively; these are the individuals that just seem to have “it”. They always appear effortless and feel “at home” in their beauty aesthetic. But for others it can feel like a code you’re never able to crack. You try to replicate what appears “effortlessness” on those you look up to, but it still doesn’t feel quite right on yourself.
By placing focus on and enhancing the unique beauty attributes of the individual a truly effortless and deeply personal beauty aesthetic can be explored and implemented. My Personal Harmony Analysis method takes your entire beauty profile into consideration through the analysis of your body architecture, facial features and essence traits using a spectrum of 7 different beauty archetypes. The end result is a comprehensible beauty analysis that outlines your unique beauty profile and highlights the most complimentary lines, rhythm, colors, details & accessories, materials & textures, patterns & prints, hair styles and makeup. Ultimately, a holistic beauty aesthetic, which is more than just a collection of garments, becomes a reality.

personal harmony analysis
A truly personalized experience to discovering your personal beauty aesthetic is available through my Personal Harmony Analysis services. Your body architecture, facial features and personal essence are carefully evaluated for a truly holistic approach to building a personal beauty aesthetic.

Body Architecture
Knowing and understanding your body architecture will give you the ability to fully understand which lines, silhouettes, garment construction and shapes compliment your frame, shape and scale best.

Facial Features
The nuance of personal beauty can be found within your facial features which has sway over which neckline shapes, accessories, hair styles, makeup and “character” elements will be most complimentary.

Personal Essence
Essence refers to your non-physical and nuanced non-physical traits such as the way you speak, texture of your voice, natural presence, gestures and expressions.. Essence can be expressed through color, details and overall connotation.
beauty discovery
Discovering your Personal Harmony begins with using the 7 beauty Archetypes as a basis of comparison. These 7 archetypes exist on a spectrum for an all inclusive approach.